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Liability of legal entities under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001
Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 has introduced a specific administrative liability for legal entities for crimes committed by senior managers or employees in the interest of or to the benefit of the company. Starting from 2001, the liability of legal entities is a field of particular interest for the companies.
This area of law requires specific expertise in relation to the crimes which may cause the liability for legal entities (including offences against the Public Administration, corporate and financial crimes, terrorist offences and subversion of the democratic order as well as offences against the person and environmental crimes). The level of competence acquired by the law firm in these particular fields of the criminal law permits to provide effective assistance to medium and large companies in the prior assessment concerning the opportunity, the structuring and drafting of the organizational model, which is the instrument aimed to prevent the commission of crimes and to avoid the liability of the company in the hypothesis of violation of the Model itself.
At the same time the professionals of the firm are members of Oversight Committees, independent bodies appointed by the legal entity with the duty to overseeing the proper functioning of the model, its respect and update.