Scegli area intervento
Bankruptcy crimes
Corporate crimes
Banking crimes
Financial crimes
Tax crimes
Employment law crimes
Liability of legal entities under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001
Privacy crimes
Crime against the Public Administration and the public trust
Environmental crimes
Cyber crimes
Healthcare professionals’ liability
Cyber crimes

The economic and social systems of developed countries are strongly dependent on cyberspace, which main components are exposed to different risks. Computer and telematics systems are dominated by the economic reality and determine as well the economic reality. The social organization itself, with the creation and increase of relationships via web and with the new form of policy making via blog and social network, uses these systems.
The attention to the different profiles of the abovementioned phenomenon, has led the law firm to the deep study of different legal issues concerning the field of cyber-crime, from the world of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to the revolution of blockchain, from the legal profiles arising from the use of intrusion software to the problems related to the so-called “ethical hacking”.